Five Practices to Prevent a Legionella Outbreak and Control Waterborne Pathogens

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported between 8,000 and 18,000 cases of Legionnaires’ disease annually in the United States caused by the spread of the Legionella bacteria. How can you protect your facility from Legionella and other waterborne pathogens? Here are five practices that you can implement to prevent bacterial outbreaks in your […]
Strategies For Protecting Your Hospital From Legionella Growth

Legionnaires’ disease, a deadly but preventable form of pneumonia, is a risk in healthcare facilities across the country. The Legionella bacterium causes this infection and is found naturally in fresh, warm water sources. However, it can increase in the plumbing of large buildings such as hospitals. For this to happen, Legionella must first grow and then spread […]
Biofilm: America’s Newest Water Safety Challenge

The United States has some of the safest drinking water in the world. But its water supply is facing a new challenge — a slimy growth inside pipes that is encouraging outbreaks of illness responsible for over 7 million illnesses and 6,000 deaths every year. That’s the disturbing finding of a new analysis of waterborne disease from […]
Top Water Quality Challenges That Healthcare Facilities Face

Because of their particular role in our communities, healthcare facilities face unique challenges in water quality that are not sufficiently addressed at the municipal water treatment level. Waterborne pathogens within healthcare settings where patients are already vulnerable to infection are particularly problematic. To protect patients and healthcare workers from pathogens such as Legionella, pseudomonas, mycobacteria, and […]
Controlling Legionella Using Copper Silver Ionization

Hospitals and healthcare facilities need to do everything possible to prevent contagious diseases from spreading. One of the most critical ways they can do this is by providing water that has been treated to kill harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. However, there are other environments in which clean water is an absolute necessity. […]
Top Five Long-Term Benefits of Copper-Silver Ionization

Copper-silver ionization gives you the ease of knowing that your water system is completely purified and protected with minimal maintenance. Compared to other disinfection methods like hyperchlorination, thermal eradication, ozone disinfection, and ultraviolet radiation, copper-silver ionization is safer, more effective, lasts longer, and is more reliable. Here are five long-term benefits of utilizing copper-silver ionization over other […]
What is Sediment and What Impact Does it Have on Plumbing?

Sediment wreaks havoc on a building’s plumbing system. Damage to piping and equipment can be costly, and sediment creates an environment where bacteria thrive, and bacteria-reducing solutions must work harder. The primary sediment source in building piping systems does not come from within the building, and the primary source is the municipal water supply. Sediment […]
ASHRAE 12-2020 Guideline

The new guideline 12 version takes a much closer look at how to manage the risk of Legionellosis. Over the years, the challenge has changed from minimizing Legionellosis to managing Legionellosis and reducing to stopping cases. It is important to note that the new standard implies that getting a test showing positivity isn’t necessarily negative. […]
Legionnaires’ Disease Cases Soar Again, Set New Record

America’s deadliest waterborne disease is becoming more pronounced. The number of reported cases of legionellosis, an umbrella term for two illnesses caused by Legionella bacteria, climbed by 33 percent last year, to 9,933 cases, according to data released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number of reported cases in 2017 was 7,458. The […]
As Legionnaires’ Disease Cases Surge, Lawsuits Pile Up

By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Elliot Olsen has been litigating Legionnaires’ disease cases for a dozen years and he’s never been as busy as today. “I’ve got more lawsuits going now than I ever have,” said Olsen, a lawyer with Siegel Brill, a firm based in Minneapolis. Olsen, who represents people nationwide sickened with […]