LiquiTech Blog

Top Five Long-Term Benefits of Copper-Silver Ionization

Copper-silver ionization gives you the ease of knowing that your water system is completely purified and protected with minimal maintenance. Compared to other disinfection methods like hyperchlorination, thermal eradication, ozone disinfection, and ultraviolet radiation, copper-silver ionization is safer, more effective, lasts longer, and is more reliable. Here are five long-term benefits of utilizing copper-silver ionization over other disinfection methods.

1. No harmful by-products, eco-friendly, and safe

Copper-silver ionization is the safest and most eco-friendly solution for supplemental water treatment. Other methods, like hyperchlorination, work by injecting high doses of chlorine into the water supply to kill bacteria. According to research, approximately 70 percent of chlorine dioxide degrades in hot water, meaning extremely high concentrations of chlorine are required to sustain efficacy. Maintaining such a high concentration is challenging and creates by-products that are proven carcinogenic. During copper-silver ionization, tiny doses of copper and silver are added to the water supply, thereby preventing harmful products, carcinogenic risks, and adverse health-related side effects.

2. Minimal maintenance for your team

Unlike hyperchlorination, copper-silver ionization does not require continuous dosing. Other disinfecting methods like thermal eradication are time-consuming, tedious, and labor-intensive because numerous personnel monitors distal sites, water tank temperatures, and flushing times are required to prevent bacterial recolonization in the water system. Copper-silver ionization is easy to install and requires minimal monitoring and maintenance, and depending on your service agreement, our team could do all the work for you.

3. Residual protection

Research shows that residual protection lasts up to two months after a copper-silver system is turned off – the ions continue to recirculate in the plumbing environment providing residual protection from bacteria. Comparatively, hyperchlorination is only effective in short periods as bacterial recolonization often occurs simply as the disinfectant levels decrease. Likewise, ozone disinfection and ultraviolet radiation do not provide residual protection and may require a secondary disinfectant. A safety buffer is created to prevent contamination during copper-silver ionization, even if the system is off.

4. No corrosive effects

Most chemical solutions are proven to be corrosive to your plumbing infrastructure in the long term, causing pinhole leaks and other costly issues that require equipment replacements. Ozone disinfection imposes a high voltage, which may damage the lids and pumps in a system. A common misconception about copper-silver ionization is that copper ions have corrosive effects. This is not the case. Copper-silver ionization keeps the plumbing intact to ensure the longevity of your plumbing infrastructure.

5. Better for your budget

Copper-silver ionization has low consumable costs compared to other conventional disinfection methods. In hyperchlorination, long-term disinfection leads to high costs from corrosion. Like thermal eradication, long-term use can become logistically tedious due to increasing energy costs for maintaining higher hot-water temperatures. Other technologies or alternatives come with consumable and regular maintenance costs in addition to the upfront investment of the system. Copper-silver ionization is the most cost-effective approach. It quickly pays for itself by eliminating the need to spend additional dollars on sanitizers, clarifiers, maintenance, monitoring, and personnel training.

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