LiquiTech® Point-of-Use Filters

LiquiTech® Point-of-Use Filters for faucets, showerheads, and ice machines are designed to remove waterborne contaminants right before water consumption or use. Easy to install and easy to use, our Point-of-Use Filters provide immediate and reliable protection against harmful bacteria and fungi, including Legionella, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium solani.

  • Temporary protection during an outbreak
  • Long-term protection in settings with immunocompromised occupants
  • ASHRAE-suggested control measure


  • Easy: Screw-on attachments fit most faucet and shower types and are quick and easy to install.
  • Effective: With a maximum pore size of 0.2 micron, our bacterial-grade filters reduce bacteria by 99.99999% (7-log) and cysts and fungi by 99.99% (4-log).
  • Long-lasting: Replaceable filters last up to 40% longer than others on the market (our shower and faucet filters last 70 days versus the 30 days of other filters).

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Point-of-Use Filters,faucet filters

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