LiquiTech Blog

Mycobacteria Explained

What is Mycobacteria?

Mycobacteria is a bacteria found in water systems that cause Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) disease and ailments. It proliferates rapidly in warm water environments and poses a threat when exposed to humans. This pathogen can enter the body in many ways, by ingesting contaminated water, breathing in the bacteria, or allowing it to come into contact with broken skin. Many outbreaks have been traced to mycobacteria in water supplies in public swimming areas.

What is Nontuberculous Mycobacteria disease?

The disease caused by a mycobacteria infection can take many forms, depending on the strain. The most common symptoms include ear infections, blood infections, and pulmonary issues, which can become chronic and require ongoing treatment in some cases. Treatment typically involves a regimen of antibiotics or even surgery if subcutaneous lesions develop. Guarding against mycobacteria in tap water and other resources is extremely important.

Preventing Mycobacteria outbreaks

Chlorine treatments and other traditional disinfectants are relatively ineffective against this pathogen because of its natural resistance. It is critical that water sources shared by large groups of people be treated appropriately. A multipronged strategy centered around proven technologies is the safest way to guard the public and employees against mycobacteria. We provide multiple solutions that can be combined to provide the highest levels of protection. Our LiquiTech™ Sediment Filtration System and LiquiTech™ UV Disinfection System form a tight defense.

When our Sediment Filtration System self-cleaning filter system works to remove biofilm deposits at the sour, it prevents harmful Mycobacterium from receiving the nutrients they need to flourish. Because this system requires no consumables and can be functional within seconds of installation, it offers a high-efficiency, low-waste treatment option for your water.

When our Sediment Filtration System is combined with our advanced UV Disinfection System, the protection it provides becomes even stronger. The high-intensity light generated by UV lamps damages the DNA and RNA of bacteria, molds, yeasts, and viruses, rendering them inert and unable to reproduce. Our proprietary designs ensure that these lamps operate at the maximum levels of efficiency and reliability. Join this technology with our state-of-the-art filtration to achieve an exceptional level of security. To ensure that you keep people safe, combine these LiquiTech systems with regular testing of the water for Mycobacterium.

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