LiquiTech Blog

Cryptosporidium Explained and How To Keep It Out of Your Facility

What is Cryptosporidium?

Cryptosporidium, also known as “Crypto,” is a bacteria found in water systems that are the cause of cryptosporidiosis as well as several other ailments. It is resistant to chlorine, so that it can survive for days, even in properly chlorinated pools. It is most commonly ingested by swallowing contaminated water while swimming, but practically any type of water or sewage system can become a breeding ground for this pathogen.

Understanding Cryptosporidiosis

Ingesting cryptosporidium in water can cause cryptosporidiosis, a potentially severe illness with more than 748,000 reported cases in the United States annually. This infection causes various gastrointestinal symptoms that are uncomfortable at best and require hospitalization at worst. The symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, weight loss, and dehydration.

Protecting against Crypto in water

Given how resistant cryptosporidium bacteria is to chlorine and other common sanitation techniques, it is crucial to have the proper water treatment measures in place. If you are concerned about cryptosporidium in water, your treatment plan should include a combination of safeguards. LiquiTech’s services can be integrated to create one of the best mitigation strategies available. The combination of our LiquiTech® Sediment Filtration System and LiquiTech® UV Disinfection System technologies provides a comprehensive approach to eliminating cryptosporidium in drinking water and other sources.

Our Sediment Filtration System improves water quality by removing sediment, corrosion, and biofilm deposits at the source. The three-step cleaning method eliminates most nutrients and bacterial buildup required for biological growth inside pipes, filters, and vessels. The entire process is completed in seconds and requires no consumables. The system operates on water pressure, with no additional energy required. It is a high-efficiency, low-waste treatment strategy.

Adding our advanced UV Disinfection System to your water treatment plan offers extra protection to any property. By exposing water to high-intensity UV light before it enters the plumbing, microorganisms are essentially deactivated. The wavelength of radiation emitted by our lamps damages the DNA and RNA of bacteria, viruses, molds, and yeasts, making them incapable of reproduction. With our proprietary lamp design, you can count on reliable and effective service and give staff and guests peace of mind while keeping them safe from cryptosporidium and many other dangerous waterborne pathogens.

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