Controlling Legionella pneumophila in Water Systems at Reduced Hot Water Temperatures with Copper and Silver Ionization

ELAINE CLOUTMAN-GREEN, VERA L BARBOSA, DIEGO JIMENEZ, DANIEL WONG, HELEN DUNN, BRIAN NEEDHAM, LENA CIRIC, JOHN C HARTLEYELSEVIER, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL, JANUARY 2019 IntroductionThis study was conducted at a newly built healthcare facility in the United Kingdom. There, the Department of Health recommends maintaining hot water temperatures above 131o F (55o C) to control Legionella in water […]

Use of Copper-Silver Ionization for the Control of Legionella in Alkaline Environments at Healthcare Facilities

DAVID M. DZIEWULSKI, ERIN INGLES, NECULAI CODRU, JOHN STREPELIS, DIANNA SCHOONMAKER-BOPPELSEVIER, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL, JULY 2015 IntroductionThis study examined two healthcare facilities using copper-silver ionization to control Legionella in alkaline water conditions. One facility was an acute care facility with a pH range of 8.7-9.9. The other was a long-term care facility with a pH […]

Controlling Legionella Case Study: Chlorine Dioxide vs. Copper-Silver Ionization

In 2009, an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease hit a large Georgia hospital, affecting six wards, and resulting in the closure of 10% of their patient beds. After trying several solutions, including installation of continuous chlorine dioxide systems and plumbing infrastructure upgrades, the hospital still tested positive for Legionella.   In 2023, the hospital partnered with LiquiTech […]

Sediment in Building Water Systems: How It Impacts Plumbing and Budget

Sediment in Building Water Systems

Sediment in your building’s water system can cause damage to plumbing, increase maintenance costs, and promote bacterial growth. To ensure your building water system runs smoothly and efficiently, it’s crucial to understand what sediment is, how it enters your water system, and strategies to control it. Sediment in building water systems Sediment is a naturally […]

CDC Report Links Cluster of Healthcare-Associated Infections to Water System

A report published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on August 4, 2023 linked a cluster of healthcare-associated infections to an Idaho hospital’s potable water system. According to the report, two patients who stayed in the same ICU room four months apart were found to be infected with carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CP-CRPA). Carbapenem-resistant organisms, such […]

LiquiTech Joins the National Association of Manufacturers

LiquiTech, a leading chemical-free, sustainable water treatment solutions provider, proudly announces its membership with the esteemed National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).   NAM, the nation’s most influential advocate for manufacturers, actively strengthens American manufacturing through policy advocacy, inspiring a new generation of talent, legal representation for manufacturers’ interests, performance-enhancing programs, and authoritative news coverage.  “We are thrilled to […]

LiquiTech’s Loan VanAuker Chosen as Ambassador for Prestigious This is Public Health Program

Public Health

LiquiTech, the leading provider of chemical-free and sustainable water treatment solutions, is pleased to announce that the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) has chosen Loan VanAuker as an ambassador for their prestigious This is Public Health program for the 2023-2024 term. VanAuker is an infection prevention and control epidemiologist at LiquiTech with more than 15 years of […]

What is a Water Management Program?

Building water systems can create perfect conditions for Legionella and other waterborne pathogens to multiply and cause disease. Some factors in building water systems contributing to Legionella and pathogen growth include water stagnation, lack of disinfectant, water temperatures, and sediment. A water management program works to pinpoint potential hazards within the water system, so controls […]

Why Legionella Testing is Essential for Building Owners

Legionella Testing

An essential part of building ownership is ensuring your drinking water is safe. This includes having an active water management program and conducting regular testing for Legionella bacteria. What is Legionella? Legionella is a type of bacteria that can grow in your building’s water system. Legionella is pathogenic, meaning that exposure to it can cause disease. It […]

Benefits of UV Disinfection Water Treatment

UV Disinfection

According to the EPA, more than 90 contaminants may be present in drinking water. UV light water treatment can eliminate up to 99.99% of the microbial contaminants commonly found in water. It does not require the use of chemicals and does not produce harmful byproducts. This blog post will explore the benefits of UV light water treatment. […]