Examining the Efficacy of Copper-Silver Ionization for Management of Legionella

MARK LECHEVALLIERAMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA), WATER SCIENCE, MARCH 2023 IntroductionThis review article examined more than 80 sources of literature and studies related to copper-silver ionization system efficacy, design, maintenance, and operations, and the impact water chemistry has on its performance. ResultsPrevious research indicates that copper-silver ionization is effective for Legionella control. Other key findings of this […]

Controlling Legionella in Hospital Drinking Water: An Evidence-Based Review of Disinfection Methods

YUSEN LIN, JANET E. STOUT, VICTOR YUCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, FEBRUARY 2011 IntroductionThis study reviewed the efficacy of different disinfection methods for controlling Legionella in hospitals, including copper-silver ionization, chlorine dioxide, hyperchlorination, monochloramine, UV, point-of-use filtration, and superheat-and-flush. The four criteria each disinfection method must meet to validate efficacy include: ResultsA summary […]

Use of Copper-Silver Ionization for the Control of Legionella in Alkaline Environments at Healthcare Facilities

DAVID M. DZIEWULSKI, ERIN INGLES, NECULAI CODRU, JOHN STREPELIS, DIANNA SCHOONMAKER-BOPPELSEVIER, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL, JULY 2015 IntroductionThis study examined two healthcare facilities using copper-silver ionization to control Legionella in alkaline water conditions. One facility was an acute care facility with a pH range of 8.7-9.9. The other was a long-term care facility with a pH […]